Anyone desiring to make WBLL a better organization and experience for our players is welcome to join the board. We have several open positions in addition to being a general member of the board. We need your help to make 2024 the BEST season yet!
Open Positions
- Fundraising / Sponsorship Representative - Establish plans and goals for raising capital to keep the organization moving forward
Current Board Members
- Adam Webster - Secretary
- AJ Stewart - President
- Amanda Suzel
- Andy Ganey
- Beckie Crittenden - Player Agent
- Brian Robbins
- Chad Dunnavant - Treasurer
- Connie Jenkins
- Heather Dunnavant
- Jamie Johnson
- Jayme Yeatts
- Julie Whittington
- Jennifer Hines
- Katie Valdez
- Kimberly Sugg
- Les Lemasters - Safety Officer
- Melanie Williams
- Mike Ford Sr.
- Nate Pope - Coaching Coordinator
- Nick Patterson
- Rowdy Whittington - Vice President